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Pakistan Television Network

Introduction about PTV Network

Pakistan Television Corporation (PTV) is the Pakistan state-owned Television broadcaster, founded on 26 November 1964. This National Broadcaster has flourished since then, and today has PTV-Centers in Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta, Muzaffarabad, AJK and Multan.

Being the largest Television Network, we are serving about 92% of the population of Pakistan and having largest terrestrial infrastructure of the country. The Bouquet of PTV Network consists of nine TV Channels i.e. PTV Home, PTV News, PTV World, PTV Sports, PTV Global, PTV Bolan, PTV National, PTV Parliament and AJK TV.

TV License Guide and Protection


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PTV Corporation Objectives

PTV aims to provide reliable and unbiased news and information to the public. This includes reporting on national and international events, promoting educational content, and raising awareness on social, cultural, and political issues.

Complete Guidline for Licensing

Licensing guidelines can vary widely depending on the type of license and the specific jurisdiction or industry in question. Without more specific information about the type of license you're interested in (e.g., software licensing, business licensing, broadcasting licensing, etc.)

Online Copyright Protection

Protecting your intellectual property, if someone continues to use your copyrighted content without permission, consult with an attorney and be prepared to take legal action to protect your rights. This may involve filing a DMCA takedown notice, pursuing a lawsuit, or seeking damages.

Quality Policy by PTV Corporation Ltd.

At PTV Corporation Ltd., quality is not just a goal; it's a way of life. We are dedicated to delivering quality services, products, and experiences that enrich the lives of our viewers and contribute to our success as an industry leader.

PTV Brand Protection

PTV detects and reports on unauthorized trademark bidding by affiliates, partners, and third parties, as well as affiliate hijacking ads that misrepresent and harm your brand through malicious advertising. Our Paid Search Monitoring solution find infringing ads with our PPC tool and help you take them down in just a few clicks..

PTV Sport Online Copyright Protection

Any unauthorized online content of website or app store can damage your brand, so it’s important to remove such content without costly and time-consuming legal processes. When any illegal source of your potential content infringements are detected at any platform, our best enforcement experts can advise on the appropriate course of action.